中国全科医学 ›› 2023, Vol. 26 ›› Issue (13): 1661-1666.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2022.0860

所属专题: 跌倒最新文章合集 老年问题最新文章合集

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刘佳敏1, 戴付敏2,*(), 赵亚莎1, 韩琳1   

  1. 1.475004 河南省开封市,河南大学护理与健康学院
    2.450003 河南省郑州市,河南省人民医院
  • 收稿日期:2022-12-12 修回日期:2023-02-10 出版日期:2023-05-05 发布日期:2023-02-23
  • 通讯作者: 戴付敏

  • 作者贡献:刘佳敏负责文章的构思与设计、文献/资料收集和整理、论文撰写;戴付敏负责文章的质量控制及审校;赵亚莎、韩琳负责文章的可行性分析。
  • 基金资助:

Advances in Falls in the Elderly with Hearing Loss

LIU Jiamin1, DAI Fumin2,*(), ZHAO Yasha1, HAN Lin1   

  1. 1. School of Nursing and Health, Henan University, Kaifeng 475004, China
    2. Henan Provincial People's Hospital, Zhengzhou 450003, China
  • Received:2022-12-12 Revised:2023-02-10 Published:2023-05-05 Online:2023-02-23
  • Contact: DAI Fumin

摘要: 全球老龄化程度不断加深的背景下,老年人听力损失的发病率越来越高。听力损失会限制老年人监测和感知空间方位的听觉线索能力,导致方向混乱,增加老年人跌倒的风险。本研究介绍了听力损失老年人跌倒的流行病学特征,阐述了其发生机制,包括神经病理学机制、感官剥夺机制、物理学机制,并通过梳理相关文献,总结了影响因素,包括年龄、性别、听力损失程度、听力损失性质、步态表现、助听设备的使用等,最后,提出听力损失老年人跌倒的防治对策。本研究发现,听力损失老年人跌倒发生情况占比增高,听力损失程度、年龄增长、老年女性激素水平改变、平衡能力下降、负性情绪等是听力损失老年人发生跌倒的危险因素,建议从助听设备使用和听觉康复训练、药物治疗、平衡能力评估和身体锻炼、心理干预4个方面对听力损失老年人跌倒进行防治,从而降低患者跌倒的发生率,保障其生活质量和生命安全。

关键词: 老年人, 听力障碍, 听力损失, 跌倒, 老年人保健服务, 综述


The incidence of hearing loss among the elderly is increasing along with the acceleration of global aging. Hearing loss can limit the ability of the elderly to monitor and perceive auditory cues for spatial orientation, resulting in confusion of orientation and increasing the risk of falls. Based on the review of the latest relevant studies, we introduced the epidemiological characteristics of falls in the elderly with hearing loss, described the pathogenesis (including neuropathological mechanism, sensory deprivation mechanism and physical mechanism), summarized the influencing factors (including age, gender, degree of hearing loss, nature of hearing loss, gait performance, and the use of hearing aids), and put forward strategies for the prevention and treatment of falls. We found that the incidence of falls is increasing in the elderly with hearing loss, and its risk grows with the aggravation of hearing loss, age, aging-related hormonal changes (especially in elderly women), the decline in balancing ability and negative emotions. To reduce the incidence of falls to ensure quality of life and safety in elderly people with hearing loss, it is suggested to prevent or treat falls in this group by the use of hearing aids and auditory rehabilitation training, drug therapy, balance assessment and physical exercise, and psychological intervention.

Key words: Aged, Hearing disorders, Hearing loss, Fall, Health services for the aged, Review