中国全科医学 ›› 2022, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (01): 94-99.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2021.00.266

所属专题: 社区卫生服务最新研究合集 老年人群健康最新文章合集 老年问题最新文章合集

• 论著·社区老年人群管理研究 • 上一篇    下一篇


李嘉音, 刘东玲*, 王子辰, 刘雪冰, 张琼文, 张玲利   

  1. 450000 河南省郑州市,郑州大学护理与健康学院
  • 收稿日期:2021-03-16 修回日期:2021-08-22 出版日期:2022-01-05 发布日期:2021-12-29
  • 通讯作者: 刘东玲
  • 基金资助:

Investigation on Advance Care Planning Behaviors in Elderly Chronic Disease Patients in the Community

LI JiayinLIU Dongling*WANG ZichenLIU XuebingZHANG QiongwenZHANG Lingli   

  1. School of Nursing and HealthZhengzhou UniversityZhengzhou 450000China

    *Corresponding authorLIU DonglingAssociate professorMaster

  • Received:2021-03-16 Revised:2021-08-22 Published:2022-01-05 Online:2021-12-29

摘要: 背景随着身体功能衰退及疾病进展,老年慢性病患者认知和医疗事务的沟通决策能力有所下降,对将来临终意愿表达造成一定影响,尽早对老年患者开展预立医疗照护计划(ACP)将会保障其医疗决策自主权。研究老年慢性病患者ACP相关行为及行为改变阶段现状,对ACP推广及干预具有重要意义。目的调查社区老年慢性病患者ACP相关行为现状、行为改变阶段,并分析其影响因素。方法2020年5—7月采用便利抽样法选取郑州市航海东路社区卫生服务中心辖区的410例老年慢性病患者为调查对象。采用一般情况调查问卷、中文版预立医疗照护计划参与问卷(ACPES)进行调查。采用多元线性逐步回归分析社区老年慢性病患者所处ACP行为改变阶段得分的影响因素。结果回收有效问卷384份(93.7%)。部分社区老年慢性病患者已有ACP相关行为,其中42例(10.9%)患者和家人/亲友谈论过医疗决策代理人,39例(10.1%)患者和家人/亲友谈论过医疗照护,23例(6.0%)患者和决策代理人谈论过决策灵活性,12例(3.1%)患者询问过医生问题,没有人全部参与4项主要ACP相关活动。292例(76.0%)患者处于行为改变前意识阶段,92例(24.0%)患者处于行为改变思考阶段。不同一般情况社区老年慢性病患者ACPES知识维度得分比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);不同文化程度、自评疾病严重程度、近5年住院经历、近5年做医疗决定经历的社区老年慢性病患者ACPES思考维度得分比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多元线性逐步回归分析结果显示,文化程度、近5年住院经历、近5年做医疗决定经历是老年慢性病患者ACPES思考阶段得分的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论部分社区老年慢性病患者已有ACP相关行为,且对ACP行为有一定的思考,建议医护人员在开展ACP健康教育时,将ACP看作由多个行为组成的持续过程而非单一行为,并与患者已有的ACP相关行为结合,引导其理解整个ACP行为过程,制定与行为阶段匹配的针对性干预方案。

关键词: 预立医疗照护计划, 老年人, 慢性病, 行为改变阶段, 影响因素分析, 跨理论模型

Abstract: Background

As the physical function declines with age, and the disease progresses, elderly chronic disease patients face decreased cognitive function and abilities in communicating medical affairs and making relevant decisions, which will have a certain impact on the expression of end-of-life will. Early implementation of the advance care planning (ACP) for elderly patients will guarantee their medical decision-making autonomy. To facilitate the delivery of interventions to promote the implementation of ACP, it is important to study ACP behaviors and related stages of behavior change in this population.


To investigate ACP behaviors, and stages of behavior change as well as associated factors in elderly chronic disease patients in the community.


From May to July 2020, by use of convenience sampling, 410 elderly chronic disease patients were selected from the community with coverage of healthcare services delivered by Hanghai East Road Community Health Center, Zhengzhou, and were invited to attend a survey using the General Information Questionnaire and the Chinese version of Advance Care Planning Engagement Survey. Stepwise multiple linear regression was used to identify the influencing factors of stages of behavior change of ACP.


Altogether, 384 (93.7%) individuals who returned responsive questionnaires were included for analysis. Among the respondents who had been involved in ACP. 42 (10.9%) had "talked with family and friends about the medical decision maker", 39 (10.1%) had "talked with family and friends about medical care", 23 (6.0%) had "talked with the medical decision maker about decision-making flexibility", 12 (3.1%) had "asked doctors questions", but no one was involved in four main ACP behaviors. Two hundred and ninety-two (76.0%) respondents were in the pre-contemplation stage of behavior change, and 92 (24.0%) were in the contemplation stage of behavior change. Of the behavior change constructs, the total score of the knowledge showed no significant differences by socio-demographic factors (P>0.05) , but the total score of the contemplation differed significantly by education level, self-rated disease severity and healthcare-seeking related experience in recent five years (P<0.05) . Stepwise multiple linear stepwise regression analysis revealed that education level, hospitalization experience and medical-decision making in the past five years were associated with the contemplation of behavior change construct (P<0.05) .


Only some elderly chronic disease patients in the community had been involved in ACP, and had contemplated ACP behaviors. To promote patient engagement in ACP, it is suggested that medical workers should consider ACP as a continuous process composed of multiple behaviors rather than a single behavior during the delivery of health education, and guide patients to increase their understanding of ACP process based on contemplating their ACP behaviors, as well as offer patients targeted interventions based on their current stage of behavior change.

Key words: Advance care planning, Aged, Chronic disease, Stage of behavior change, Root cause analysis, Trans-theoretical model
