中国全科医学 ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (25): 3154-3159.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.396

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 210023江苏省南京市,南京中医药大学研究生院
  • 出版日期:2020-09-05 发布日期:2020-09-05
  • 基金资助:

Choice of Medical Treatment Institutions and Its Influencing Factors for Patients with Multiple Chronic Diseases:a Study Based on Anderson's Model 

WANG Pei,LIU Junjun*   

  1. Graduate School,Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine,Nanjing 210023,China
    *Corresponding author:LIU Junjun;
  • Published:2020-09-05 Online:2020-09-05

摘要: 背景 近年来,多重慢病现象严重。探究多重慢病患者就医机构选择及其影响因素,有利于引导多重慢病患者有序就医,进而推动有序就医格局的形成和医疗卫生资源的优化。目的 了解多重慢病患者就医机构选择及其影响因素,为推动分级诊疗制度和合理配置卫生资源提供参考依据。方法 于2019年8—11月,基于安德森健康行为模型,利用中国家庭追踪调查2016年数据,根据研究需要筛选出患有2种及以上慢性病的成人样本(n=666),通过前倾因素(性别、年龄、婚姻状况、文化程度),使能因素(户口性质、家庭成员数、年收入、医疗保险、照护人员、看病点满意度、看病点水平),需求因素(健康状况、健康变化情况、因病住院、两周不适)建立影响多重慢病患者就医机构选择的多因素Logistic回归模型。结果 被调查的666例多重慢病患者中,83例(12.5%)以诊所为一般就医机构,71例(10.7%)以社区卫生服务站或村卫生室为一般就医机构,104例(15.6%)以社区卫生服务中心或乡镇卫生院为一般就医机构,58例(8.7%)以专科医院为一般就医机构,350例(52.6%)以综合医院为一般就医机构。不同年龄、户口性质、家庭成员数、年收入、医疗保险、看病点水平、因病住院情况的多重慢病患者就医机构选择情况比较,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。多因素Logistic回归分析结果表明:前倾因素中的年龄变量,使能因素中的户口性质变量、家庭成员数变量、年收入变量、医疗保险变量、看病点水平变量,需求因素中的因病住院变量是影响多重慢病患者就医机构选择的因素(P<0.05)。结论 应完善区域卫生规划,通过网格化划分服务范围合理配置卫生资源以满足多重慢病患者就诊需求;提高基层医疗卫生机构服务能力,积极转变卫生服务提供模式,为多重慢病患者提供优质高效的医疗卫生服务,吸引多重慢病患者基层首诊;提高多重慢病患者的医疗保障力度,为低收入患者和重点人群形成全方位、多层次的社会保障网络体系;加大宣传教育,使多重慢病患者树立科学就医观念以改变传统就医模式,推动分级诊疗制度的实施。

关键词: 多重慢病, 就医机构选择, 安德森模型, 影响因素分析

Abstract: Background In recent years,the epidemic of multiple chronic diseases is serious. Exploring the choice of medical institutions and influencing factors in multiple chronic disease patients helps to guide them seeking healthcare in an orderly manner,which eventually promotes the formation of an orderly pattern of healthcare seeking and optimization use of medical and health resources. Objective To investigate the choice of medical institutions and influencing factors in multiple chronic disease patients,providing a reference for promoting the implementation of hierarchical medical system and rational allocation of health resources. Methods This study was conducted from August to November 2019 based on Anderson's behavioral model. Participants(n=666)were adults with at least two chronic diseases selected from the sample of 2016 Chinese Family Panel Studies. A multivariate model was used to identify the influencing factors for the choice of the medical institutions,with variables incorporated,including predisposing factor(sex,age,marital status,education level),enabling factors(hukou,number of family members,annual income,medical insurance,caregivers,satisfaction with the visited healthcare setting,self-rated therapeutic level of the visited healthcare setting),and need factor(self-rated health,change in health after treating,cause of hospitalization and prevalence of two-week discomfort). Results Among the participants,the ratios of seeking healthcare in a general clinic,community health station or village clinic,community health center or township hospital,specialty hospital,and general hospital were 12.5%(83/666),10.7%(71/666),15.6%(104/666),8.7%(58/666),and 52.6%(350/666),respectively. The choice of healthcare setting varied significantly by age,hukou,number of family members,annual income,medical insurance,self-rated therapeutic level of the visited healthcare setting,and cause of hospitalization(P<0.05). Multivariate Logistic analysis showed that predisposing factor(age),enabling factors(hukou,number of family members,annual income,medical insurance,self-rated therapeutic level of the visited healthcare setting),and need factor(cause of hospitalization)were associated with the choice of healthcare setting(P<0.05). Conclusion To satisfy the healthcare needs of multiple chronic disease patients,regional health planning should be improved,and reasonable allocation of health resources should be promoted by grid division of serving area. Moreover,to attract them seeking first-contact care in primary healthcare settings,the service quality of such institutions should be improved,and their service delivery patterns should be actively changed to be more efficiently. Furthermore,the medical insurance for such patients should be expanded,and a complete and multi-level social insurance network for low-income and key groups should be formed. In addition,to promote the implementation of hierarchical medical system,related education should be publicized more intensively to form a scientific way of seeking healthcare instead of only seeking healthcare in large and higher level hospitals.

Key words: Multiple chronic diseases, Medical institution selection, Anderson model, Root cause analysis