中国全科医学 ›› 2020, Vol. 23 ›› Issue (4): 419-423.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2020.00.056

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 201311上海市浦东新区大团社区卫生服务中心
  • 出版日期:2020-02-05 发布日期:2020-02-05
  • 基金资助:

Effectiveness Evaluation and Improvement Strategy of Family Doctor Team 

HOU Jin   

  1. Datuan Community Health Service Center,Pudong New Area,Shanghai 201311,China
  • Published:2020-02-05 Online:2020-02-05

摘要: 做实做优家庭医生签约服务工作是提升家庭医生签约服务团队效能、不断提升签约居民获得感的重要途径,提升全科医疗服务团队有效性是做实做优家庭医生签约服务的前提和基础。本文运用团队有效性评价模型对全科医疗服务团队有效性进行批判性分析,发现全科医疗服务团队在人才数量、服务数量、服务质量、激励机制方面存在一定的优势,但是在技能、方法、能力、沟通、工作结构、行为规范、团队目标、外部环境因素等方面存在劣势;基于卢因三阶段变革模型和赫茨伯格双因素理论模型,提出根据家庭医生团队工作内容和任务的复杂性来构建团队、明确团队目标、树立团队价值观,开展积极组织变革、实施有效激励、调整组织结构、加强绩效管理等改进措施和提升策略。

关键词: 全科医学, 全科医生, 家庭医生签约服务, 有效性评价

Abstract: It is an important way to improve the efficiency of the contracted family doctor team and enhance continuously the sense of gain of the contracted residents to do a good job practically in the contracted family doctor service.Improving the effectiveness of the family doctor team is the premise and foundation for the implementation and optimization of the contracted family doctor service.Using the evaluation model of team effectiveness,this paper analyzed the team effectiveness of family doctor team critically,and it was found that the family doctor team had certain advantages in terms of talent quantity,service quantity and quality,and incentive mechanism,but it also had disadvantages in terms of skills,methods,abilities,communication,work structure,behavior norms,team objectives,and external environment factors.Based on Lewin's three-stage model of change and Herzberg's two-factor theoretical model of motivation,this paper put forward some improvement measures and strategies,such as according to the complexity of the job content and tasks of the family doctor team building the family doctor team,clarifying the team objectives,establishing the team values,carrying out active organizational reform,implementing effective incentives,adjusting the organizational structure and strengthening performance management.

Key words: General practice, General practitioners, Contracted family doctor services, Effectiveness evaluation