中国全科医学 ›› 2019, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (28): 3482-3485.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.00.325

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.310003浙江省杭州市,浙江大学医学院附属第一医院
  • 出版日期:2019-10-05 发布日期:2019-10-05
  • 基金资助:

Competence-oriented Evaluation System for Standardized General Medicine Residency Training 

JIANG Jingjin1,CHEN Shaohua1,2*   

  1. 1.The First Affiliated Hospital,Zhejiang University,Hangzhou 310003,China
    2.Zhejiang University School of Medicine,Hangzhou 310058,China
    *Corresponding author:CHEN Shaohua,Associate chief physician;
  • Published:2019-10-05 Online:2019-10-05

摘要: 全科专业住院医师规范化培训发展迅速,但目前缺乏统一的评价模式和评价指标,本文结合全科专业住院医师规范化培训的培养目标、要求和细则,对常用的全科专业住院医师规范化培训评价体系的方法、用途、优缺点进行综述分析。借鉴美国毕业后医学教育认证委员会(ACGME)全科医学住院医师培训项目,结合我国目前实际情况,建议在全科专业住院医师规范化培训阶段,根据临床轮转教学需求和特点,从职业素养、知识技能、病人照护、沟通合作、教学能力、终生学习这些核心胜任力出发,制定出一套全国统一的全科专业住院医师规范化培训评价体系,进行全方位考核,提高培训质量,最终培养出能胜任岗位的全科医学人才。

关键词: 全科医学, 全科住院医师, 在职培训, 过程评价(卫生保健), 形成性评价, 终结性评价

Abstract: General medicine residency training is developing rapidly,but there is no unified mode and indices for the evaluation of the effectiveness of the training.According to the training objectives,requirements and rules of the general medicine residency training,we reviewed the methods,purpose,advantages and disadvantages of general medicine residency training evaluation systems commonly used at home and abroad.In view of domestic general practice development status,on the basis of reviewing the ACGME general medicine resident training program,we suggest that a national unified evaluation system for standardized general medicine residency trainings should be developed to all-roundly assess the post-training residents' core competences as GPs from six aspects (professional literacy,professional knowledge and skills,patient care,communication and cooperation,teaching ability,lifelong learning).By this way,the quality of such trainings can be improved,which in turn contributes to the cultivation of qualified and competent GPs.

Key words: General practice, General residents, Inservice training, Process assessment(health care), Formative assessment, Summative assessment