中国全科医学 ›› 2019, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (15): 1823-1829.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2018.00.447

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 832000 新疆石河子市,石河子大学医学院预防医学系
  • 出版日期:2019-05-20 发布日期:2019-05-20
  • 基金资助:

Mortality and Disease Burden of Cancer in Shihezi from 2016 to 2017 

YAN Yizhong,WANG Wenjin,LI Shugang*,LIU Jiaming,MA Jiaolong,HU Yunhua,ZHANG Xianghui,WANG Dan,MEN Lintong   

  1. Department of Preventive Medicine,Shihezi University School of Medicine,Shihezi 832000,China
    *Corresponding author:LI Shugang,Professor;
  • Published:2019-05-20 Online:2019-05-20

摘要: 背景 恶性肿瘤已成为全球居民死亡的主要原因,居我国死亡首位,给社会带来了沉重的疾病负担。为了更好地防控肿瘤,及时追踪其流行情况具有重大意义。石河子市作为兵团城市,是一座人口严重老龄化的城市,而老年人是恶性肿瘤的高危人群,因此利用最新数据反映该地恶性肿瘤的流行和疾病负担,可为当地肿瘤防控工作提供最新数据信息。目的 分析2016—2017年石河子市恶性肿瘤疾病负担情况,为该地区的肿瘤防控工作提供依据。方法 收集2016—2017年石河子市疾病预防控制中心死因监测系统的肿瘤死亡数据,并通过计算恶性肿瘤粗死亡率、中国人口标化率(简称中标率)、世界人口标化率(简称世标率)、潜在减寿年(PYLL)、PYLL率、早死所致生命损失年(YLL)、YLL率来评价恶性肿瘤疾病负担。结果 2016—2017年石河子市恶性肿瘤粗死亡率、中标率、世标率分别为161.4/10万、103.3/10万、89.5/10万,男性恶性肿瘤粗死亡率、中标率、世标率均高于女性(P<0.05)。石河子市恶性肿瘤粗死亡率在30岁时开始明显增加,在70~79岁年龄组达到高峰。气管、支气管、肺癌粗死亡率最高,为27.5/10万,占所有肿瘤的17.0%,其分别位于男性恶性肿瘤粗死亡率第1位,女性恶性肿瘤粗死亡率第2位。位于女性恶性肿瘤粗死亡率第1位的是乳腺癌,粗死亡率为25.7/10万,占所有肿瘤的18.2%。恶性肿瘤PYLL率为16.7‰,男、女性恶性肿瘤PYLL率分别为15.7‰、17.6‰;恶性肿瘤PYLL前3位分别是气管、支气管、肺癌,乳腺癌,肝癌。恶性肿瘤YLL率为22.2‰,男、女性恶性肿瘤YLL率分别为22.3‰、22.2‰。恶性肿瘤YLL前3位分别是气管、支气管、肺癌,胃癌,乳腺癌。气管、支气管、肺癌,胃癌等的PYLL和YLL集中在60岁以上年龄组,女性生殖器官肿瘤在45~59岁年龄组中最高,5~14岁年龄组中白血病所致疾病负担最重。结论 2016—2017年石河子市恶性肿瘤负担较重,应重点防治气管、支气管、肺癌,肝癌,胃癌及女性生殖器官肿瘤等肿瘤顺位较靠前的肿瘤,且45岁以上人群是重点防治对象,但对于白血病应重点关注5~14岁人群。

关键词: 肿瘤;死亡率;死亡率, 过早;患病代价

Abstract: Background Cancer has become the major cause of death around the world,and in China,it ranks as the first leading cause of death,bringing heavy burden on the society.In order to better prevent and control cancer,it is of great significance to track its epidemic situation in time.As a corps city,Shihezi has a large amount of aging population,who are at the high risk of having cancer.Using the latest data to reflect the epidemic and disease burden of cancer in this area can provide latest information for local cancer prevention and control.Objective To provide basis for the prevention and control of cancer in Shihezi by analyzing the burden of patients with cancer diseases from 2016 to 2017.Methods According to cancer mortality data of causes of death from the death surveillance system in Shihezi Center for Disease Control and Prevention from 2016 to 2017,we calculated mortality,Chinese population standardized incidence rate,world population standardized incidence rate,potential years of life lost (PYLL),PYLL rate,years of life lost (YLL) and YLL rate to evaluate the burden of patients with malignant tumor diseases.Results From 2016 to 2017,the crude mortality rate,Chinese population standardized incidence rate,and world population standardized incidence rate,of cancer in Shihezi City were 161.4/100 000,103.3/100 000 and 89.5/100 000,respectively.The crude mortality rate,Chinese population standardized incidence rate,and world population standardized incidence rate in male with cancer were higher than those of female (P<0.05).The crude mortality rate of cancer in Shihezi began to increase significantly at the age of 30 years,reaching tits peak at the age of 70-79 years.Trachea,bronchi,lung cancer had the highest crude mortality rate of 27.5/100 000,accounting for 17.0% of all tumors.It ranked the first in male patients with cancer and the second in female.Breast cancer ranked the first in the crude mortality rate of 25.7/100 000 in female patients with cancer,accounting for 18.2% of all tumors.The PYLL rate of cancer was 16.7‰,and that of male and female were 15.7‰ and 17.6‰,respectively.The three highest PYLL cancer were Trachea,bronchi,lung cancer,breast cancer and liver cancer.The YLL rate of cancer was 22.2‰,and the YLL rates of male and female were 22.3‰ and 22.2‰,respectively.The three highest YLL cancers were Trachea,bronchi,lung cancer,gastric cancer and breast cancer.PYLL and YLL of Trachea,bronchi,lung cancer and gastric cancer mainly occurred in people over 60 years.The proportion of tumors in female reproductive organ was the highest among people aged 45-59 years,and leukemia was the most serious disease burden among people aged 5-14 years.Conclusion The burden of patients with cancer in Shihezi is severe from 2016 to 2017.We need to focus on the prevention and treatment of lung cancer,liver cancer,gastric cancer and tumors in women's reproductive system.People over 45 years are the key prevention and treatment group,and the prevention of leukemia should be focused on patients from 5 to 14 years.

Key words: Neoplasms;Mortality;Mortality, premature;Cost of illness