中国全科医学 ›› 2019, Vol. 22 ›› Issue (10): 1153-1160.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2019.10.005

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.215316 江苏省昆山市,昆山杜克大学全球健康研究中心 2.200032 上海市,复旦大学公共卫生学院 3.211166 江苏省南京市,南京医科大学医政学院 4.100011北京市,中国健康教育中心
  • 出版日期:2019-04-05 发布日期:2019-04-05
  • 基金资助:

Community Empowerment for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases 

WANG Zhan1,GONG Enying1,PENG Weixia2,CHEN Jiaying3,TIAN Xiangyang4,XIONG Shangzhi1,YAN Lijing1*   

  1. 1.Global Health Research Center,Duke Kunshan University,Kunshan 215316,China
    2.School of Public Health,Fudan University,Shanghai 200032,China
    3.School of Health Policy & Management,Nanjing Medical University,Nanjing 211166,China
    4.Chinese Health Education Center,Beijing 100011,China
    *Corresponding author:YAN Lijing,Associate professor;
  • Published:2019-04-05 Online:2019-04-05

摘要: 社区赋能经过30余年来的发展与实践,目前已经成为健康促进领域的重要理论与方法,在世界多国的疾病防治工作中得到了广泛应用。针对我国当前所面临的严峻慢性病问题,应用社区赋能将可为推动慢性病防治提供助益。本文从简述赋能的发展历程出发,具体阐述社区赋能应用于健康促进的方法与特色,并探讨在我国应用社区赋能开展慢性病防控干预的前景,旨在为未来慢性病防控的研究与实践提供借鉴。由文献回顾知,社区赋能包括在个体、组织与社区3方面提升生活控感与控制力,并可通过改善心理状况与社会经济状况、加强社会联系与社交网络、提升健康促进能力并推动政策制定等方式推动健康促进。与其他健康促进方法相比,社区赋能重在重定义社区在卫生工作中的角色,采用自下而上的方式发现卫生风险因素并着重关注弱势群体。鉴于慢性病的形成与发展与患者日常生活方式联系紧密,社区赋能将有望通过加强社会联系、提升居民能动性、聚合并强化社区卫生资源等方式助力慢性病防控。

关键词: 社区赋能, 健康促进, 慢性病

Abstract: After more than three decades of development and practice,community empowerment has become one of the important theories and approaches for health promotion,and has been applied to international disease control and prevention practices.Considering the severe challenge of non-communicable disease faced by China,community empowerment would contribute to its resolution as well.The present paper reviews the development of empowerment concept,summarizes the approaches and features of community empowerment's application in health promotion,and explores the prospect of applying community empowerment for non-communicable disease control and prevention in China,in order to contribute to future researches and interventions of non-communicable diseases.Literature review transpires that community empowerment is consisted of life-control sense and capacity improvement factors of three levels:individual,organizational and community.It would contribute to health promotion by improving mental state,enhancing socio-economic status,extending social connection and network (for community members) as well as strengthening health promotion capacity and promoting policy-making (for community as a whole).Compared with other health promotion strategies,community empowerment emphasizes at redefining community's role in health projects,identifying health risks with "bottom-up" view and paying special attention on disadvantaged and marginalized groups.Since non-communicable disease is mainly caused by long-term unhealthy behaviors,community empowerment could facilitate its control and prevention by promoting behavior change through social network,enhancing initiative for health by collective actions,and strengthening community-level health promotion capacities by inter-organization cooperation.

Key words: Community empowerment, Health promotion, Chronic disease