中国全科医学 ›› 2018, Vol. 21 ›› Issue (34): 4283-4288.DOI: 10.12114/j.issn.1007-9572.2018.34.0024

• 专题研究 • 上一篇    



  1. 1.226001江苏省南通市,南通大学护理学院
  • 出版日期:2018-12-05 发布日期:2018-12-05

Recent Developments in Sedentary Behavior Interventions for Populations with or at High Risk for Type 2 Diabetes

WANG Ya1,SUN Juan1,DENG Nan1,ZHANG Xiaoyi2,HE Hong3*#br#   

  1. 1.School of Nursing,Nantong University,Nantong 226001,China
    2.Department of Endocrinology,Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,Nantong 226001,China
    3.Department of Nursing,Affiliated Hospital of Nantong University,Nantong 226001,China
    *Corresponding author:HE Hong,Chief superintendent nurse;
  • Published:2018-12-05 Online:2018-12-05

摘要: 久坐行为与包括2型糖尿病在内的代谢性疾病的发病率存在明显相关性。在国外,对久坐行为的测量、久坐行为与疾病的关系及其干预策略的研究受到广泛关注。在国内,久坐行为的研究尚处于起步阶段。本文对国内外2型糖尿病患者及其高危人群久坐行为干预的相关研究进行综述,以期为干预2型糖尿病患者及其高危人群久坐行为提供新思路。

关键词: 糖尿病, 2型, 危险因素, 久坐生活方式, 健康教育

Abstract: Sedentary behavior is significantly associated with the incidence of metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes mellitus(T2DM).In foreign countries,the measurement of sedentary behavior,the relationship between sedentary behavior and disease,and intervention strategies have attracted much attention.At home,the study of sedentary behavior is still in its infancy.We reviewed the studies about sedentary behavior interventions in populations with or at high risk for T2DM,at home and abroad,with a view to providing a new idea for reducing the sedentary behaviors in such populations.

Key words: Diabetes mellitus, type 2;Risk factors;Sedentary lifestyle;Health education